
Shipping Guide: Zones for Georgia

This is the shipping guide for setting up non-flat rate zone & weight based shipping from Georgia to other US states.

**the reason for your home state of Georgia being in zone 3 - is that the majority of the state rates a 3rd zone price based on zip code - this ensure you don't undercharge. 

Zone 2: South Carolina
Zone 3: North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama

Zone 4: Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio, Delaware
Zone 5: Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma
Zone 6:Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Minnesota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas

Zone 7: North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico
Zone 8: Montana, Idaho, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii

That concludes the shipping guide for Georgia

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