
Tutorial: Uploading .csv file

Many have stated they're having trouble with the uploading of their .csv file from etsy or other sites.

This is a very simple tutorial/walk through of how to find these in your shop.

When in your shop click "Upload products"

That will bring up this screen:

Click: Upload file: choose the .csv file you downloaded from etsy from wherever it is on your hard drive.

Then click the 2nd button - upload csv products.
The page will refresh and you'll get the appearance of being back on the same page...

This time click the underlined "HERE" at the top of the page.

That brings up your inactive uploaded products window:
*Note* images and items are not mine I was testing someone's .csv file for them and wanted to show what a proper upload looks like.

If you've done the steps from part 1 & 2 before - you probably have a TON of inactive products - many which are duplicates. To save yourself headache & hassle - click the CLEAR all csv products - and start this tutorial over again. That way you have only 1 set of your uploaded items. Which you can then edit and publish.

Just remember you do have to go through each listing to edit categories & such.

If you have any other questions about uploading .csv files just ask one of us on LIVE HELP or email carrie@craftcafe.co (evenings) or service@craftcafe.co (days)

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